
How to create Sliders

How to create Sliders

Using Sliders can now be used on all and any pages/posts. In previous versions of KingSize WordPress, this was restricted to only the homepage - hooray for updates! To learn more about Homepage Background usage, checkout our Tutorial on "Background Sliders and Background Videos" for the purpose of homepage usage. In this tutorial though, we will be specifically discussing how you create the Slider Items and how they can be used throughout the website.

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Background Slider & Background Videos

Background Slider & Background Videos

In the release of version 4, we have introduced not only the Video Background capabilities, but a new and improved Background Slider script using the ever popular Supersized. With previous versions of KingSize WordPress, we had a Theme Option where you would upload your Backgrounds and sort them there. In the release of version 4, we have created a new post-type that is specific to the Slider. It is here you will now create, manage and organize your slider images and jammed with a lot of new options and features for your usage.

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